Hi, I'm Andriy

Software Engineer @Samsung

I create and optimize applications, utilizing my expertise in Java & Kotlin, and ensuring an exceptional user experience 👨‍💻

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Android Developer @Samsung

During my exciting tenure at Samsung Electronics I'm having the opportunity to work within a dynamic team of professionals, I am involved in various aspects of the software development lifecycle, including optimizing existing features, which are present on every Samsung phone!

Read why I am the best engineer ↓

Reference letter



PlayWall App


A social media app for sharing wallpapers and connecting through creativity.

Customize, exchange, and connect with others through personalized wallpaper designs. From browsing trending wallpapers to sharing your creations, PlayWall is the ultimate platform for artistic expression.

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What have I learned?

  • Jetpack Compose - Building responsive and modern UI with Kotlin
  • Firebase Authentication and FCM - Handling user logins and notifications
  • Amazon S3 - Managing wallpaper uploads
  • Retrofit - Building robust API integration
  • Following Clean Architecture principles to ensure maintainable and scalable codebase

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A personal budgeting app which saves your money.

It's simple. As you buy a cup of coffee or receive a salary, just enter that in application. It will provide you not only with detailed monthly reports based on accounts you own and categories of your expenses/incomes, but also store all of your transactions in a history tab.

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What have I learned?

  • Room Database - All the CRUD operations
  • Fragments and Navigation
  • Recycler Layout - populated with the data from the database
  • Generating files
  • Comparing to my previous app (Weather) - much cleaner architecture. I.e. all files
    are splitted between Activities, Adapters, Dialogs, Fragments, Room, and Util packages to
    make it understandable for other developers.

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Just a weather app. Designed like no other weather app.

A charismatic wizard, who changes his behaviour based on the weather conditions or even time of the year is the base of an application. It feels like this cute dude just tells everything you need to know, sending you notifications as you set it up.

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What have I learned?

  • Basics of Java for Android Development including collections, lambdas, higher-order
  • Intents and Stages of the Activity Lifecycle
  • How to work with APIs - sending requests and processing responses on the
    background thread
  • Sending notifications
  • Setting up widgets
  • UI Localization

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GitHub Google Play

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I'm a Computer science graduate with a Bachelor's degree.

I graduated successfully from Silesian University of Technology, Poland, February 2024 and I am eager to apply my new knowledge!

My goal is to provide awesome user experiences within IT learning as many new technologies as possible along the way!
Check my diploma ↓


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